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Comfort Pitch close to playfarm
Max. 6 persons
Your holiday
Arrival date Departure dateOur Comfort Pitches Pierewiet are popular among families with children as they are located right next to Speelboerderij Pierewiet! The pitches are very spacious (110-120 m2) and include electricity, water supply and drainage, a cable connection for TV (CAI), and free Wi-Fi. You can use the general sanitary facilities on the campsite. Parking for your car is available on the pitch.
If you prefer a quieter place a bit further from Pierewiet, consider the type of Comfort Pitch.
If all comfort pitches are fully booked and you would still like to go camping, it may be possible on a motorhome pitch. Please contact us to inquire about the possibilities for camping on a motorhome pitch.
Availability and prices
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